Thursday, January 16, 2014

Metals Theory- REMEMBER!!!!!

  • IRON
Iron is converted from it's ore by heating. the result being the impurities or slag are removed from the furnace leaving a soft grayish metal behind once it is cooled. Iron is rarely used with out combining it with carbon as it gives it the extra strength. the results in the make up steel.

Steel is a mixture of iron and carbon. the amount of carbon in the material will determine the materials strength.Alloying with other metals enables specific properties that are enhanced.

  • Toughness
  • Resistance to corrosion
  • Strong

Carbon is an element that is found in a range of materials. carbon can also be found in organic materials such as coal and diamond they are made up purely of carbon. The amount of steel has an effect on how hard and the strength of the metal but if more is added it can cause brittleness to the material.

Iron & Carbon
Iron is generally a soft and ductile metal which can make it not commercially useful. When carbon is added to the mix with iron the characteristics or properties change making iron a more useful material;
The increased the amount of carbon results in;
-the material becomes harder
-toughness reduces so can become brittle
-high carbon steel and medium carbon steel can be heat treated to increase the strength and the hardness of the metals.